Friday, November 18, 2011

Writing a News Report

In an earlier blog post I shared Tips to Writing a Catchy Lede Paragraph, now, I want to build onto that post and give you tips on how to write the rest of your news story.
We already know that the lede is the most important part of the news story. It catches the reader’s eye and makes them interested in reading the rest of the story. The body of the report needs to  support and add onto the details that you have already provided. 
There are 5 important steps to fallow when writing your report:
1)      Plan- Think about the information you have, looking for the most important thing in the story. Rank the events from the most information to the least.
2)      Research- try to find out if any events like the one you’re reporting has happened before or not, if it has what was the impact it produced.
3)      Write- Begin writing your story without making corrections as you go along. Just type.
4)      Read Aloud- Reading aloud will allow you to find the mistakes in your report.  You will also be able to recognize if events needs to be placed in a different order.
5)      Rewrite- With the mistakes that you have found while reading aloud sit down and adjust your story.
6)      Polish- take out any extra words, such as the words that- and correct all typos. It is always helpful to have someone else read your report, or read it aloud to them!
Here is a story that I wrote for my Reporting I class. We were assigned to attend a public meeting and write a news report about it. I attended business session at Kansas City, City Hall over the MLB All-Star game that is scheduled to happen in July 2012. a City Hall meeting in Kansas City.
I have included the report that I turned in, as well as the report that my teacher graded and handed back to me!
Report I turned in -

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