Thursday, October 13, 2011

OMG where is my Blackberry???

Before e-mailing and texting the only way to communicate with a co-working was by having a telephone conversation or having a face-to-face conversation with them.  Over the years with technology advances personal communication has evolved to electronic communication.  Face-to-face communication was replaced by the telephone, and now telephone communication has been replaced by electronic communication, Via E-mail, Skype, and texting, just to name a few.  
The main electronic communication advance I want to focus on is E-MAIL and TEXTING.
Today I attended Business session, a public meeting in the Kansas City Missouri’s City Hall. I was completely dumbfounded how many people were on their blackberries and Ipads. The mayor of Kansas City was at this meeting and that stopped no one from checking their phones. In this meeting there were 20 people on their blackberries or Ipads and 8 of them were the councilmen/women themselves.  One of them even stood up from the table and answered the phone and stepped out.
Our society is completely wrapped around texting and e-mailing we have lost respect for each others. Why even go to a meeting if the only thing you are going to do is be on your phone.
There are positives and negatives with this communication advancement.
The positives I feel are obvious, it’s easier and fasters.  People are able to have a conversation and receive answers in a matter of minutes. Trying to get ahold of someone in another company might be next to impossible without e-mails.  You don’t have to worry about calling someone until you can get ahold of them, you can just send them an E-mail and wait for them to reply.
The Negative side is what most people choose to ignore, or do not really care about.   The President of Roberts Golden consulting says that “people hide behind their e-mail.”  When sending e-mails you have to be careful of the words that you use in order for it not to be taken out of context. The over use of !!!!! points might mean excitement to you, but come off rude and pushy the e-mail recipient.  
I wonder if for one day NOONE could use their cells phones, how people would function. Think about it!
Here is a great article I found about that goes inside the problem of e-mailing and how is it only hurting communication.

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