Friday, October 28, 2011

Body Language- Communication Without Words

               Think of a time when you were talking to someone and you could tell by their body language if they are interested in what you were saying, or if they felt like you were wasting their time. Body language someone portrays when they have having a conversation with someone or just simply passing them on the streets often speaks louder than words themselves.
                While interacting with one another we are giving and receiving several wordless signals.  The way you sit, how close you stand to someone, how much eye contact you give each other and the gestures you make play a huge role when you are communicating with someone.  The way someone listens, moves and uses reaction movements like shrugging their shoulders or giving someone a pat on the back, gives off the impression of what kind of person they are. 
               I personally show a lot of non-verbal communication when talking to someone because I talk with my hands. This has gotten me in trouble a time or two. I feel like I can explain things better when I use my hands while communicating.  From time-to-time I catch myself talking with my hands and I pull them down to my lap, which doesn’t last long because I forget about it and start using them again. Recently, I had interview and the day before I was practiced how I was going to explain myself without using my hands. During the interview it didn’t last long because I caught myself multiple times trying to explain something with my hands.
               In order not to get caught up in giving the wrong impression when you are communicating with someone there are a few things you might want to be aware of.  You need to have an emotional self-awareness and an understanding of the cues you are sending. Also, you need to be able to pick up the cues someone is sending you, and how to analyze them so you do not over react to their actions.
                Non Verbal communication needs to be used to reinforce what is being said. While talking to someone take the time to set aside whatever you might be caught up in the moment so those emotions are not showing to the other person and they take it the wrong way.  Let’s say for example a father had just hung up the phone with their teenage daughter and they have fighting with all day. Then a female co-worker comes into his office to talk. His emotions will more than likely be shown through his body language in a bad way because he will be taking out his “female” problem onto this co-worker without even realizing it. When you set aside your emotions just for that quick minute will really help your conversation flow smoothly.

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