Friday, September 16, 2011

Interviewing 101

Interviewing 101

When I think of interviewing the first thing that comes to my mind is interviewing for a new job, which shouldn’t be the case. Interviewing is used for much more than just an interview for a job. Newspaper reporters’ interview people to write their stories, and when we communicate with people we are interviewing each other without even knowing it! Here are some things to consider when you are conducting an interview:

Simple questions- Make sure the person that you are interviewing does not have to ‘decode’ your question. Instead of asking multiple questions all at once, try one simple question and you will be amazed how much more information you will gather.

Open-ended questions- These types of questions will allow the person being interviewed to elaborate on their answers. You will not gather as much information if you only ask questions that give you a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer.

Conversational questions- Instead of a question and answer interview try to ask a question where their response will allow you to make a conversation. This is a way for them to relax and feel like they are the center of attention. You will be surprised how much information you are able to gather about a person while having a laid back conversation.

Notes- Take as many notes as you can! Try to write down everything that the person is saying. Taking good notes ensures that you will have precise quotes that you can use in your story.

Listen- I cannot express how critical listening is. You will miss out on a lot of valuable information if you are not fully consumed in what the person is saying.

Research- Conduct research before and after interviews, it will help you understand the situation or person you are interviewing.

Ready. Set. Interview! Now that you are more confident in interviewing go interview someone, even if it’s a friend!

I have posted a link that will also help improve your interviewing skills.

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